Tamil Forum Malaysia (TFM)  funds 10 water pumps and 5 sets of engine boat to Aadivasi villagers

Tamil Forum Malaysia (TFM)  funds 10 water pumps and 5 sets of engine boat to Aadivasi villagers

Assist RR heard stories about Aadivasi families (Kuhani Palamkudi Makkal) in 11 villages in Muthur Division of Trincomalee District. Assist RR visited some of these villages including Paaddalipuram and spoke with the villagers to carry out a need assessment in 2017.  These families were displaced in 2006 and became IDPs. They were resettled in 2009 in alternative lands as their lands have been occupied by the navy. Although they were promised all the facilities, they are still living in very poor conditions without water, electricity, decent shelters, etc.  

Their livelihood are farming depending on rain, collecting honey and firewood, hunting, and fishing. However, hunting has been banned by the government. These families are not given Samurthi hand outs, although all these families live below poverty lines. These families are struggling for their survival due to lack of support and mothers do go begging in Trincomalee town. They desperately need assistance to improve their livelihood. 

Further to our appeal to assist these families, Tamil Forum Malaysia (TFM) came forward and agreed to fund 10 water pumps and 5 sets of engine boats and nets. As you are aware, 10 water pumps were handed over to 10 families from these villages in January 2018.  

With the generous support of TFM, Assist RR have now donated 5 sets of engine boats and nets at a cost of Rs 565,000 per set in April and May 2018. Each set of engine boat and nets will be shared by 5 families. In total, 25 families will benefit form TFM’s  kind support to the needy families from these villages. This assistance will enable these 25 families to stand on their own feet and to lead relatively comfortable lives in the future. I attach some photos of the handing over ceremonies. 

Assist RR, on behalf of Aadivasi families, would like to express its gratitude to TFM and its members for their kind and generous support to innocent victims of war in the North and East of Sri Lanka. It should be noted that TFM has been continuously providing assistance to needy families in Sri Lanka.


Dr Velautham Sarveswaran

Assist Resettlement and Renaissance




About editor 3272 Articles
Writer and Journalist living in Canada since 1987. Tamil activist.

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