2017 Tamil Canadian Walk to Support Thennmaravadi Re-Settlement Project

August 3, 2017

 2017 Tamil Canadian Walk to Support Thennmaravadi Re-Settlement Project

The Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) is proud to announce that the proceeds from the 9th Annual Tamil Canadian Walk being held on September 10th at Thomson Memorial Park will be raised to help the resettlement efforts and build sustainable economic opportunities in the village of Thennamaravadi located in the northern tip of the Eastern Province in the Trincomalee District.

The ancient Tamil village of Thennamaravadi was destroyed in 1984, as a result of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka, causing the total displacement of the local population. After decades of displacement, villagers were only allowed to return to their ancestral lands in 2010.  The few families who were able to return to Thennamaravadi have faced tremendous hardships in resettling and rebuilding their village due to decades of neglect.

“After decades of displacement, families are eager to re-settle and re-build their community but face many challenges,” said Mr. Pushparajah, President  Thennamaravadi Rural Development Society .” Families that returned to their village are struggling to make a living due to lack of economic opportunities, basic infrastructure, and services.”

All proceeds from the 2017 Tamil Canadian Walk will support the development of a 10 acre self-sustaining farm, including crops and livestock that will be managed by the Thennamaravadi Rurual Development Society.

“This sustainable farm project will not only create employment opportunities and revenue sources that will be reinvested into the village, but will also be a key factor in rebuilding a vibrant community by attracting and retaining young people into the area,”  said Mr. Piragal Thiru, Co-chair, 9th annual Tamil Canadian Walk.

“Over the last 9 years, the Tamil Canadian Walk has raised funds to support many important causes in Canada and our homeland, including the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, and the Sampur Housing Project,” said Dr. V. Santhakumar, President of the Canadian Tamil Congress.  “Building upon these successful initiatives, we hope that Tamils in Canada will once again contribute to another worthwhile project to make a positive impact in the lives of those in our homeland.” 

Event:           9th Annual Tamil Canadian Walk

Date:              Sunday, September 10th

Venue:           Thomson Park,  Brimley Rd. and Lawrence Ave., Scarborough
Time:             8:30am (Registration)

9:30am (Walk Commences)

For more details or to receive a pledge form please call 416-240-0078.

For Media Inquiries contact: Piragal Thiru (416) 727-3430__._,_.___

Posted by: Danton Thurairajah <dantont@canadiantamilcongress.ca>


About editor 3099 Articles
Writer and Journalist living in Canada since 1987. Tamil activist.

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