சாதி பாகுபாட்டில் தமிழ் – சிங்கள சமூகங்கள் இரண்டுமே குற்றவாளிகள்தான்

சாதி பாகுபாட்டில் தமிழ் – சிங்கள சமூகங்கள் இரண்டுமே குற்றவாளிகள்தான்


சிங்கள எழுத்தாளரான எம்எல்டி மகிந்தபால தீவிர சிங்கள – பவுத்த தேசியவாதி ஆவர். இவரின் கருத்துப்படி தமிழ்ச் சமூகத்தில் சாதி வேற்றுமை பூதாகாரமாக  ஊன்றியிருப்பதாகவும் வேளாளர்கள் மற்ற சாதியினர் மீது அரசியல், பொருளாதார, சமூக தளங்களில் ஆதிக்கம் செலுத்துவதாகவும் The Island நாளேட்டில் தொடர்ந்து எழுதிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார். ஆனால் சாதிச் சிக்கல் தமிழ்ச் சமூகத்துக்கு மட்டும்  உரியதல்ல. இந்தச் சிக்கல் தமிழ் சமூகத்தில் இருப்பது போல சிங்கள சமூகத்திலும் வேருன்றி இருக்கிறது. காரணம் இந்து மதத்தின் செல்வாக்கே ஆகும்.

சிங்கள இனம் ஒரு கலப்பினம் ஆகும். இலங்கையின் பூர்வீக குடிகளான நாகர், இயக்கர், இராட்சதர், தேவர் போன்ற இனத்தவரே நாளடைவில் சிங்களவர்களாக உருவெடுத்தனர். வேடர் விதிவிலக்கு.  அவர்கள் தங்கள் தனித்துவத்தை இன்றும் காப்பாற்றி வருகிறார்கள். குவேனி இயக்கர் குலப் பெண் என்று மகாவம்சம் கூறுகின்றது. இராவணன் இராட்சத குல மன்னன் என எண்ணப்படுகிறான்.

இன்றைய சிங்கள இனத்தவர் ஆதி காலத்தில் இந்துக்களாக இருந்து பின்னர் பவுத்த மதத்துக்கு மாறியவர்கள். மனுதர்மம் போன்ற  நூல்கள்  முற்பிறப்பில் செய்த வினைப் பயனே சாதியில் மேலோனாகவும் கீழோனாகவும் பிறப்பதற்குக் காரணமென்ற சித்தாந்தத்தை கொண்டவை.  இலங்கையில் பவுத்தமானது அதன் முற்போக்குத் தன்மையை இழந்து இந்துத்துவ சிந்தனைமுறையைப் பின்பற்றுகிறது. ,  கொவிகம ஆகிய ஆதிக்க சாதிகள் தங்களை உயர் சாதியரெனப் பிரகடனப்படுத்த இந்த சித்தாந்தம்   உதவுகிறது.

சிங்கள் சமூகத்தில்  பல்வேறு  வகை சாதிப் பிரிவுகள்  காணப்படுகின்றன. அதில் மிக உயர்ந்த சாதியினராக ‘றதல’ எனும் சாதி இருக்கிறது. இச்சாதியினரே அரச வம்சத்தினருக்கு நெருக்கமாக  இருந்துவந்துள்ளனர். கண்டி இராச்சியத்தின்போது சிங்கள சமூகத்தில் செல்வாக்கான நிலையில் இருந்து கொண்டு  ஆதிக்கம் செலுத்தி வந்துள்ளனர். முன்னாள் பிரதமர் சிறிமா பண்டாரநாயக்க இந்தச் சாதியைச் சேர்ந்தவர்.

இரண்டாம் இடத்தில்  ‘கொய்கம’ எனும் சாதிப்பிரிவினர் காணப்படுகிறார்கள். இவர்கள் சிங்கள சமூகத்தில் 50 விழுக்காட்டினர் ஆவர்.  அரசனுக்கு சேவகம் செய்து வந்தவர்களாகவும் பிற்பாடு அவர்களின் செல்வாக்கின் பயனாக விவசாய ஆதிக்கம் இவர்களிடமே இருந்துவந்துள்ளது. சிங்களவர்கள் மத்தியில் ஆதிக்க சாதியான கொவிகம இன்றுவரை இலங்கையின் அரசியல் – பொருளாதாரத்தை தீர்மானிக்கும் சக்தியாக விளங்குகிறது. விதி விலக்காக  சாதி அடுக்கில்  மிகவும் பிற்பட்ட    இடத்தில் இருந்த  இரணசிங்க பிரேமதாச 1988 இல்  இலங்கையின்  சனாதிபதியாகத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டார்.

அடுத்து ‘கரவா’ (கரையோரப் பகுதிமக்கள்) ‘பத்கம’ (கொய்கம சாதியினருக்க சேவகம் செய்பவர்கள்) ‘வக்கும்புர’ (சக்கரைத்தொழில்) எனும் சாதிப்பிரிவினர் இடைப்பட்ட சமூக தட்டில்  இருக்கும் சாதியினராகும்.

சிங்களச் சமூகத்தின் விளிம்பு நிலைச்சமூகமாக இருப்பவர்கள் ‘கின்னர’ (காட்டிலுள்ள மூலப்பொருட்களை பயன்படுத்தி பாய்போன்ற கைப்பணிப் பொருட்களை செய்பவர்கள்) ‘கஹல’ (குற்றவாளிகளுக்கு மரணதண்டனையை நிறைவேற்றுவோர்) ‘றொடியா’ (துப்பரவுப்பணி புரிபவர்கள்.) மற்றும் ‘நவன்தன்ன’ (கொல்லர்) ‘கும்பல்’ (குயவர்) ‘படு’ (சலவைத்தொழில்) ‘துறாவ’ (சீவல்தொழில்) ‘சலாகம’ ( (கறுவாத்தொழில்) ‘பெறவா’ (பறைமேளம் அடிப்பவர்கள்)  ஆகியோர் ஆவர். 

இலங்கையில் சிங்கள (பவுத்த மத) சாதியத்தைப் பற்றிக் குறிப்பிடும் மிகவும் பழமைவாய்ந்த மானுடவியல் நூலான ”ஜனவங்சய”வில் 26 சாதிகள் குறிப்பிடப்படுகிறது. மத்தியகால இலங்கையில் இருந்ததாகச் சொல்லப்படும் சாதிகள் 17ஐ ஜே.டி.லெனரோல் குறிப்பிடுகிறார். பேராசிரியர் நந்ததேவ விஜேசேகர எழுதிய ”இலங்கை மக்கள்” எனும் நூலில் 43 சாதிகளின் பட்டியலைக் குறிப்பிடுகிறார்.

1. அஹிங்குந்தய (நாடோடிகள்)

2. பட்டஹல  – குயவர்

3. பத்கம – பாரம்பரிய விவசாயிகள் (பிரித்தானிய ஆட்சியின் போது இவர்கள் பல்லக்குத் தூக்கிகளாக அழைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறார்கள்)

4. பெராவ – பறையடிப்பவர்

5. கொவிகம – பாரம்பரிய கமக்காரர்கள் மற்றும்  பண்ணையாளர்கள்.

6. ஹாலி – நெசவாளர்கள்

7. ஹன்னாலி – தையற்காரர்

8. ஹூனு – சுன்னக்கல் செய்பவர்கள்.

9. கின்னரய – பாய் பின்னுபவர்கள்.

10. நவந்தன்ன – பொற்கொல்லர். (பல கிளைச்சாதிகளைக்கொண்டது)

11. பமுனு – கூலி விவசாயிகள்

12. பன்ன – புல்வெட்டுவோர்

13. அம்பெட்ட (பனிக்கி) – முடி திருத்துவோர்

14. பட்டி – கால்நடை வளர்ப்போர்

15. பொரவக்கார – மரம் தறிப்போர்

16. றதல – நிலப்பிரபுக்கள்  (குறிப்பாக கண்டி இராச்சிய காலத்தில்)

17. ராஜக்க, ஹேன – சலவைத்தொழிலாளர்கள்

18. றொடியா -தாழ்த்தப்பட்டோர்

19. வக்கும்புர (ஹக்குறு)  – கருப்பட்டி  தயாரிப்பாளர்கள்

20. கராவ – பாரம்பரிய மீன்பிடித் தொழில் செய்வோர்

21. துராவ – பாரம்பரிய படைவீரர் – காலனித்துவத்திற்குப் பின் கள் இறக்குவோர்

22. கட்டர – விவசாயிகள்

23. தெமல கட்டர – தமிழ்  தாழ்த்தப்பட்டோர்

24. பட்டஹல (கும்பள்) – குயவர்

25. ஹன்னலி – தையற்காரர்

26. ஹின்ன – சலாகம சாதியனருக்கான சலவைத்தொழிலாளர்

27. ஹாலி – நெசவு, ஐரோப்பியர் காலத்தில் கருவா தொழில்

28. கஹல – கொலைத் தண்டனை நிறைவேற்றுவோர், சுத்திகரிப்போர்

29. கின்னர – பாய் பின்னுவோர்

30.  ரதா – உயர்சாதியினருக்கு உடைதுவைப்போர்

31. ஹின்ன – மாவு சலிப்போர்

32. சலாகம – கருவா செய்கையில் ஈடுபடுவோர்

சிங்கள சாதியமைப்புக்கும் தமிழ் சாதியமைப்புக்கும் சில ஒற்றுமைகள் இருப்பதைக் காணலாம்.

கரவ, துரவ, சலகம போன்ற சிங்கள சாதிகள், தென்னிந்தியாவில் இருந்து குடிபெயர்ந்தவர்கள் என்பதற்கான வரலாற்று சான்றுகள் உள்ளன. பண்டாரநாயக்கவின் மூதாதையர் கூட, தமிழ்நாடு மற்றும் கேரளம் இரண்டிலும்  இருந்து வந்தவர்களே. நாயக்க என்ற பின்னொட்டு பெயர்களைக் கொண்டோர் தமிழ் பின்னணியைக் கொண்டவர்களே. பண்டாரநாயக்கா, ஜெயவர்த்தன உட்பட அதிதீவிர சிங்கள – பவுத்தர்கள் தமிழ்ப் பரம்பரையில் வந்தவர்கள். இவர்களே சிங்கள – பவுத்த தேசியத்தை  உருவாக்கியவர்களில் முன்னிலை வகித்தார்கள்.

துறாவ வகுப்பினர் கேரளத்து ஈழவர், தமிழ்நாட்டு நாடார் வகுப்பினரோடு ஒத்தவர்கள். இன்றைய வெளியுறவு அமைச்சர் மங்கள சமரவீர துறாவ வகுப்பைச் சேர்ந்தவர் ஆவர்.

கரவா, சலாகம, துறாவ சாதியினர்  போர்த்துக்கேயர் மற்றும் ஒல்லாந்தர் காலத்தில் தமிழ்நாடு மற்றும் .இன்றைய கேரள (சேரநாடு) நாடுகளில்  இருந்து  கொண்டு வந்து தென்னிலங்கையில் குடியேற்றப்பட்டவர்கள்.  இவர்களில் பெரும்பான்மை மீனவ சாதியினர்.  சிறுபான்மை படையினர்.

சிங்களவர்களின் மத்தியில் இன்றைக்கும் காணப்படும் ஒவ்வொரு சாதியும் தனக்கென தனியான வரலாற்றைக் கொண்டுள்ளது.  சிங்கள சாதிகள் எல்லாமே தென்னிந்தியாவை பூர்வீகமாக கொண்டுள்ளன.

அஸ்கிரியா – மல்வத்தை பவுத்த பீடங்கள் கொய்கம தவிர்ந்த ஏனைய சாதியினரை சங்கத்தில் சேர்ப்பதில்லை. இதனால் கரவா. சலாகம மற்றும் துவார சாதிகளைச் சேர்ந்தவர்கள் மைனமார் சென்று குருப்பட்டம் சூட்டிக் கொண்டார்கள்.  இவர்கள்  அமரபுர என்ற பவுத்த மத பீடத்தை நிறுவினார்கள். இந்த சாதியினர்  சிலர் சாதிப் பாகுபாடு காரணமாக கிறித்தவர்களாக மாறினார்கள்.

கொய்கம சாதிப் பிரிவுக்கு அடுத்ததாக  உள்ள கரவா அல்லது மீனவ சாதியினர். இவர்களை தென்னிலங்கை கரையோரப் பகுதிகளில் செறிந்து வாழ்கிறார்கள். மொத்த சிங்கள மக்களது தொகையில் 10 விழுக்காட்டினர் இந்த சாதியைச் சேர்ந்தவர்களே.  இவர்கள் நீர்கொழும்பு, புத்தளம், வென்னப்புவ, கொழும்பு வடக்கு, மொறட்ருவா, பாணந்துறை போன்ற நகரங்களில் செறிந்து வாழ்கிறார்கள்.

பவுத்த மதம் சாதி பாராட்டுவதில்லை. புத்தர் தனது காலத்தில் சகல சாதியினரையும் சங்கத்தில் சேர்த்துக் கொண்டார். பிறப்பு என்பது அவனவன் செய்த தீவினை நல்வினை என்ற இருவினைப் பயனாக தீர்மானிக்கப்பட்டுவிட்டன என்ற கருத்தாக்கங்களை புத்தர்  நிராகரித்தார். “ஒருவன் தன் பிறப்பால் பிராமணனாகவோ விலக்கப்பட்டவனாகவோ மாறுவதில்லை. அவனது நடத்தையே அவனது குணத்தைத் தீர்மானிக்கின்றமது.  நடத்தை மட்டுமே முக்கியம்” என்றார். புத்தரின் கருத்து திருக்குறளிலும் காணப்படுகிறது.

பவுத்தம் காரணமாக சிங்களவர்களிடையே நிலவும் சாதியம் தமிழர்களிடையே நிலவும் சாதியம் போல் இறுக்கமாக இல்லை. தமிழ்ச் சமூகத்தில் இருப்பது போல சிங்கள சமூகத்திடையே சாதி அடிப்படையில் உயர்வு தாழ்வு இருந்தாலும் தீண்டாமை இல்லை. பவுத்த கோயிலுக்குள் எல்லோரும் அனுமதிக்கப்படுகிறார்கள். பள்ளிக்கூடங்களிலும் அனைத்து சாதியனரும் அனுமதிக்கப்படுகிறார்கள்.  இருந்தபோதிலும் திருமணம் என்று வரும்போது சாதி பார்க்கும் வழக்கம் தமிழர்களிடம் இருப்பது போன்று சிங்கள சமூகத்திலும் காணப்படுகிறது.  தேர்தல் காலங்களில் சாதியப்பாகுபாடுகளின் அடிப்படையில் வேட்பாளர்கள்  தெரிவு செய்யப்படுவதையும்  வாக்குச்சேகரிப்பு நிகழ்வதையும் காணலாம்.

ஒரு காலத்தில் கண்டிச் சிங்களவர்கள் கரையோரச் சிங்களவர்களை மணம் செய்து கொள்வதில்லை. ஏன் சிங்களவர் என்றே கரையோரச் சிங்களவர்களை சொல்வதில்லை. இன்று கண்டிச் சிங்களவர் கரையோரச் சிங்களவர் என்ற பாகுபாடு அடியோடு இல்லாது போய்விட்டது.

சாதியமைப்பின்  ஊற்றுக்கண் வர்ணாசிரம தர்மமே. வருணாசிரம கோட்பாட்டின்படி பிராமணரே  உயர்ந்தவர்கள். அடுத்து ஷத்திரியர்களும்,  வைசியர்களும்  நான்காவதாக சூத்திரர்களும் வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளார்கள்.  இந்த  வருண அமைப்பே பின்னர் அவரவர் செய்யும் தொழில் அடிப்படையில் நூற்றுக் கணக்கான சாதிகள் உற்பத்தி செய்யப்பட்டன. அப்படி உற்பத்தி செய்யப்பட்ட பின்னர் அது பிறப்பின் அடிப்படையில் அமைந்துவிட்டது. முன்னைய காலங்களில்  வேளாளர் என்போர் பயிர்த் தொழில் செய்தார்கள். இன்று அவர்களில் பெரும்பான்மை வேறு வேறு தொழில் செய்கிறார்கள்.  இருந்தும் பிறப்பின் அடிப்படையில் வந்த சாதி தொடர்கிறது. 

மொத்தம் 443 ஆண்டு கால கொலனித்துவ ஆட்சி,    பொருளாதார உற்பத்தியில் ஏற்பட்ட மாற்றங்கள், எல்லோரும் கல்வி கற்கும் வாய்ப்பு, போக்குவரத்து போன்ற காரணிகளால் சாதிக் கட்டமைப்பில் பல மாற்றங்கள் நிகழ்ந்துள்ளன. சில சாதிகள் வழக்கொழிந்து போயின. சில சாதிகள் புதிதாகப் புகுந்து கொண்டன. தகப்பன் செய்த தொழிலை மகன் செய்ய வேண்டும் என்ற நியதி பேரளவு குறைந்துவிட்டது.

எம்எல்டி மகிந்தபால போன்ற தீவிர – சிங்கள பவுத்த  தேசியவாதிகள்  கண்ணாடி வீட்டில் இருந்து கொண்டு கல் எறியக் கூடாது. சாதி பாகுபாட்டில் தமிழ் – சிங்கள சமூகங்கள் இரண்டுமே ஒன்றுக்கொன்று சளைத்தவை அல்ல. 


Caste System

Eagle Eye must first cast out the beam out of his own eye and then he can see clearly to remove the speck out of Wellala Demalu eye. This person suffers from Demalu phobia and like a dog which raises its leg wherever the stone hit it. Caste is a curse and is found in India and Ceylon thanks to Hinduism. There was no caste system in the Vedas, but later there emerged the four Varnams based on colour. They are the Brahmins, the Shatrias, the Vaisiyar and Sudras in that order. This division based on colour and vocation multiplied based on the esteem of job each does. As of today, one can change his/her job but not his caste that has since got entrenched.

Sinhalese have the same caste system as Tamils because both were Hindus, to begin with, but I admit caste is more rigid among the Tamils than Sinhalese thanks to the influence of Buddhism,
Prabhakaran did not belong to the Vellala caste, yet he was able to rally the youths cutting across caste divisions. LTTE never practised caste system and the top leadership was occupied by non-Vellala caste. LTTE was able to mitigate the caste system by encouraging inter-caste marriages but did not succeed fully.

Eagle Eye should know that the Malwatte and Asgiriya Buddhist Chapters are based on caste. Non-govigama castes are not admitted into these Buddhist institutions. Most of the so-called Sinhalese living in the coastal areas were Tamils a few centuries ago. Especially the ones from the western and southern littorals. We can already see immigrant Tamil communities from South India like the Colombo Chetties and Baratha( Paravars) becoming Sinhalese, Just like the Karawa, Salagama, Durawa, Hunu Hali and many of the upper Govigamma and Radala became Sinhalese a few centuries ago.

JR Jayawardene’s family origin is Thambi or Thambi Mudalai from Kerala. Bandaranayake’s origin is from Neelaperumal again from Kerala.

Caste system exists among Tamils and Sinhalese alike. This is because the caste system is a product of Hinduism. Sinhalese or better their ancestors like the Nagas were Hindus before being converted to Buddhism. The rigidity of the caste system among Tamils has broken down vastly during the last 75 years. There are many reasons foremost being the introduction of free education. It opened the door to the so-called minority Tamils. The Federal Party was instrumental in throwing temple doors open to all. Prof.Sundaralingam did not oppose temple entry. He opposed the Communists who spearheaded the temple entry campaign entering temples. According to him Communists being atheists have no right to enter temples.

Thanks to Federal Party’s campaign minority Tamils have got appointed to Senate and elected to Parliament, though the number is few. The LTTE helped to break the caste system by recruiting fighters from all castes. Additionally, they encouraged inter-caste marriages as a policy. In countries like Canada, love marriages are becoming common among different castes. The younger generation considers the caste system as archaic and outdated. A good education that will elevate one’s status in society combined with the acquisition of wealth will eventually mitigate discrimination based on caste. It is interesting to know that Tamils never had caste system during the Sangam period. The caste system was introduced when they embraced Hinduism.

(1) It is a tiny land with a relatively small population compared to other large countries with sparsely populated areas or large land with a very large population. There are no defining factors or basis to devolve power or demarcate further in this tiny island.

Response: Sri Lanka is by no means a tiny country. It ranks population-wise (21.5 million) at 57 out of 233 countries. Area wise (65,610 sq.kms) it is ranked at 122 out of 262 countries.

(2) Besides this the only land that we, the Sinhala-People can claim to be our own motherland and the nation established by our forefathers. Other latecomers or minorities have the privilege of going back to their native lands, namely Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andra Pradesh, Java etc.

Response: When the mythical Vijaya landed in Lanka, there were no Sinhalese in the island. There were Nagars, Yakkas, Tamils, Thevas but no Sinhalese. If it is true Vijaya is migrant from Bengal, then the present day Sinhalese (despite lot of Thamil blood in them) must go back to West Bengal and East Bengal.

(3) The forefathers of Sinha Political leaders in Colombo have not been forthright on this matter. They are scared to say that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala-Buddhist country and belongs to the Sinhala people. Their position has been further compromised by Non-Sinhala and Non-Buddhist political leaders. So my dear friend you are more than welcome to live in our country and raise your family and enjoy equal rights that you will never receive in any other nation on earth. But do not B…S…, The message for Wiggy, TNA and others dreaming of devolving power and creating own fiefdoms is; Sri Lanka will remain as a Sinhala-Buddhist sovereign and Unitary State until eternity. That is the bottom-line. Let’s look at other issues affecting the future of our children and solve them.

Response: The forefathers of Sinhalese were Nagars, Tamils, and Yakkas etc. They were Hindus and converted to Buddhism only after the arrival of Mahinda in the 2nd century BC. The Sinhalese Karava, Salagama, are descendants of South Indian Tamils who had come to the Island throughout the ages as peaceful migrants or South Indian(mainly Tamil)mercenaries or as warriors of Pandyan and Chola kings who settled here and were Sinhalized during course of time. The Sinhalese of Chilaw, Puttalam and Negombo were Catholic Tamils of paratha caste brought by the Portuguese from Tamil Nadu to bolster their defence. It is because of the Portuguese colonization that the Sinhalese find themselves as an overwhelming majority in Sri Lanka today viz a viz the Tamil minority. According to Mahavamsa, those who lived north of the Mahaweli River were Tamils. Dutugemunu is not a Sinhalese prince, but a Naga prince of the Buddhist faith.

Most of the so-called Sinhalese living in the Sinhalese areas were Tamils a few centuries ago. Especially the ones from the western and southern littorals. Most probably these Tamils will also over the years become Sinhalese. You can already see immigrant Tamil communities from South India like the Colombo Chetties and Baratha( Paravars) becoming Sinhalese, Just like the Karawa, Salagama, Durawa, Hunu Hali and many of the upper Govigamma and Radala became Sinhalese a few centuries ago.

Brahmins of Kerala the Namboothiri never tolerated anyone other than their own sweet selves, not even other Brahmins. They were very cruel and in order not to diminish the family wealth only allowed the eldest sons and daughters to marry and the unmarried younger daughters called Antharjanams lived a cruel miserable life. They were not allowed to go anywhere outside the house other than to the temple and even then had to cover their faces and were accompanied by other usually Nair women. If they were ever suspected of having an affair or even a liking to a male. especially to a non-Brahmin male, their punishment was severe. They were rolled into a mat dropped down from the roof and huge red/black ants were allowed to bite them and then banished as inanimate objects after a Vedic funeral rite. This how you get the Tamil saying Thalai Mulugal. This was the ancient Vedic Hindu rite to have a had bath after the funeral. So when state in Tamil Naan avanai Thalai Mulugitan, when you cut off relationship with someone. You are referring to this ancient Hindu Vedic funeral rite, more or less stating this person is now dead to me. However their younger unmarried males were not averse to having sexual liaisons with the Nair women of Kerala. This was tolerated and accepted in Kerala, even by the Travancore Royal family.

SO over the centuries due to this liaison that was called Sambantham in Kerala many of the Nairs( Menon/Pannickar/Thampi/Kurrup/Pillai) became very white. The Brahmin Namboothiri never accepted the children born out of these liaisons but the Nair legally accepted them. By the way, I am Brahmin too. You should have known that from my surname Sharma. There are no Vellalar in Kerala the equivalent caste is the Nair/Nambiar/Pillai/Mennon/Kurrup/Pannickars. The four-tiered caste system of North India did not come to South India. The powerful rich castes in the South like the Vellalar Reddy Vaniyar, Thevar, Naicker, Kappu etc were the equivalent to Kshatiriyas and Vaishiyars( the Chetty) of the north.

The Cholar Chera and Pandian belonged to the Vellalar caste and were called Raja Vellalar meaning the Royal Vellalar. All great Tamil dynasties had a Vellalar origin. Later many of them took Aryan North Indian princesses for their wives hence the Aryan references. Eezhavas were never Vellalar and they were in Kerala. The caste system in Kerala was very skewed due to the Namboothiri Brahmins and their influence. It was very different from the other three southern states and to the Eelam Tamil areas in many ways. It was a caste hellhole until around the 1930s and 1940s this is one of the reasons that Kerala has a large amount of Christians and Muslims as many converted just to escape this caste hellhole. This is the story of Kerala.

It is because of this Namboothiri and their perverse influence that their ancient Chera Tamil language got bastardised and a new language called Malayalam emerged. Kerala was where many ancient Tamil epics like Chillpadikaram was written. The Tamil Chera kings of Kerala loved and protected Tamil until these demons arrived. The Namboodiris form a very minuscule percentage of Kerala’s population today less than 0.188%. These Aryan Indians arrived from the Saraswati river region ( near Indus ) 6000 years ago, after a tectonic shift caused the river to be non-perennial. They walked along the west coast of India till they reached Kerala.

At that time the local Tamil Dravidian population of Kerala worshipped nature, and they lived in harmony. The Namboodiri Brahmins who came to Kerala seized all lands. The Namboodiris who studied the Vedas and knew Sanskrit had their tails up and they devised the most bizarre and cruel social system on earth. The 8000-year-old Vedic caste system of Sanatana Dharma was called Chaturvarna, or a 4 tiered system for team dynamics. It was graded inequality to sustain a society in a harmonious manner — Brahmins (knowledge, spiritual matters), Kshatriyas ( executive matters and defence), Vaishyas ( skilled workers and traders), Sudras ( unskilled labourers ). On a ship we have a crew list. Everybody cannot be Captains. There are various grades including navigators, engineers, crew, cooks etc—everybody has a role so that the ship runs smoothly in an optimum manner. The wages are not the same. The cabin comforts are not the same. This does not mean that Captain can shit on the faces of his engineers, or he can force his officers wives to expose their tits, or have sex with them— just because he is superior in the pecking order. The crafty Namboodiris, under the “so-called patronage of Parashurama “ made their own corrupt system. They are the Brahmins, who will hold the land —everybody else is untouchables.

Even the King ( from Kshatriya clan ) was subservient to these chosen men of Parashurama. The crafty Namboodiris, under the “so-called patronage of Parashurama “ made they own corrupt system. They are the Brahmins, who will hold the land —everybody else is untouchables. Even the King ( from Kshatriya clan ) was subservient to these chosen men of Parashurama. During the reign of the Tamil King Vikramaditya in 7000 BC, the people of Kerala called Thirayyar ( sea warriors ) did trade with the Island of Crete. The patron saint of the Kerala Thirayyars is Rishi Therayar, the first disciple of Maharishi Agastya. Agastya or Agathiar The father of Tamil and the Tamil language, the greatest of the Sapt Rishis, also famous as the first of the Siddhas, who also founded the ancient Tamil Martial art called Kalari or Kalari Payattuthe art of fighting, that is still prevalent in Kerala parts of Tamil Nadu and the Vanni. To make sure the land never left their hands, they devised a method where only the eldest son of the Namboodiri family will marry. The rest of the sons will make “ sambandham “ from pretty women of the lower castes who were fairer skinned than the others. These sambandham children will not be Namboodiri Brahmins. This means they could walk in into any house and screw the daughter or the wife, and produce children. This was the will of God, they did propaganda – as per the Vedic system. Over time a new clan with Namboodiri-Nair children came up. This mixed clan grew in numbers very fast. Just like the Anglo Indian clan of India, during British/ Portuguese rule who had the white man’s gene, or the so-called mullato racially mixed blacks in the USA and rest of the Americas. The Madame Chutney Mary and brown sahib Pickle John Anglo Indians were loyal to the white man in a strange manner, though most of them were illegitimate backyard products.

When a white British man told an Anglo Indian half breed to jump, he asked only ” How high sir?” –never — Why? – ditto with Nairs when it came to Namboodiri orders. It was this clan like the Mennon Thampi Kurrup Pannickar who under the order of the Namboothiri destroyed and bastardised the Tamil language in Kerala to create a new language called Malayalam. This new ” NAIR CLAN” became very subservient and dependant on the Namboodiris who held all the land, in an agricultural society with abundant spice cash crops.

This clan today includes Menon, Nambiar, Pillai, Kurup, Adiyodi, Asan, Eradi, Kaimal, Kartha, Nayanar, Nayars, Menoki, Achan, Thampi, Vellodi, Panickar, Unnithan etc. (Now you know where JR Jayawardene’s family origin Thampi or Thambi Mudalai is from.) In time the Nair clan became the henchmen of Namboodiris, for financial benefits. Good exchange this—sex for money. They became the warrior class. They stayed in clusters in and around the Namboodiri Mana or Illam ( house). They would not step out of their houses without weapons. They learnt Kalari martial arts from the age of 7. They enforced the cruel caste system of Kerala, the way the Namboodiris wanted it The Nairs themselves could never touch a Namboodiri and had to be 6 feet away (the end page ). But Namboodiris could have sex with their wives and daughters. Being the warrior class Nairs could have stopped this anytime, over the years, but this parasitic clan did not. The king was made to understand that Namboodiris are the ambassadors of God, and even he had to bow to them and also give his womenfolk for the Namboodhiris to have sex.

Every word from a Namboodiris mouth was the word of god. They styled themselves different from the Brahmins of other parts of India. Other Brahmins wore a poonool or holy sash of 2 threads while a Namboodiri wore only one. Other Brahmins chanted Mantras while bathing, while Namboodiris would not. Brahmin women wore white cloth only when she became a widow, while Namboodiri women always wore white. Other Brahmin women don’t observe purdah, while a Namboodiri woman can show her face on to her husband, not even to her father and brothers. Other Brahmins tie their hair behind their heads while a Namboodiri will tie his hair towards the side.

The Kerala Namboodiris would do work only related to Vedic knowledge or rituals. It was the Nairs job to enforce the illegal Vedic law, or the so-called “will of God “ that all lower caste women have to expose their breasts in public and not cover the legs below the knees. This “exposing breasts” in public thing which ran for nearly 6000 years stopped only 99 years ago. This practice was even followed by the Kandyan Sinhalese towards their Berewa and Rodiya castes. Shows where they came from. No wonder DNA analysis proves that the Kandyans are genetically very close to the Tamils. The Namboodiris allowed the Nairs only to fight. Most of the Nairs never saw old age, as they died in battle. As a result, they were not mentally geared to takes up any responsibility of family life and kept themselves detached from emotions.

Married Nair women were free to choose their multiple lovers. Namboodiris who came for Sambandham went back in the morning after a ritual bath. Since the man can stop visiting when was fed up, the same way a Nair woman can ask for divorce any time she feels like. She just ritually returns the pudava cloth he gave her. Both of them can remarry. A widow Nair woman can remarry. In South Malabar, a woman got more respect if she was servicing as many as a dozen men. The men used to share the expenses. It was common for several Nair brothers to share a wife. Similar to the Kandyans.

The low caste women could not wear jewellery. All lower castes have to keep a fixed distance from a Namboodiri so as not( Mahindapala please note you can have filed day writing about caste in Kerala instead of the Jaffna Tamils) to defile him. This ranged from 6 feet for Nairs to 64 for Pulayas, to 72 feet for Paraya,  Ullatan, Nayadikal, Kadar caste – all in multiples of 6. The cotton Mundus (sarong) had to be blackened with ash even if new. No footwear or umbrella was allowed, in a region where it rains 7 months in a year. When the Namboodiris walked along the outdoor paths, they would shout HOOOY. The low caste then has to shout NJAAVOO ( njaan evidee undooo meaning I am here in Malayalam/Tamil ) for the Namboodiri to slow down his passage and for the low caste to quickly hide behind a tree or melt away behind a bush or just make himself scarce. The low castes had to cover their mouths with palms while speaking. They could not refer to themselves as ME or I bit inanimate “it”, have to be a subservient bowed pose, using self denouncing speech in approved “adiyan”(slave/servant) format. The lower castes could not do the work of higher castes. He could not drink water from a high caste well. His children could not go to school. He could not visit the temple. He could not go to the market, where high castes go. He could not put tiles on his house or have double storeys or have a gate and walls.

The over smartness of the Namboodiris were their own undoing. They did not have the brains to figure out that they were killing their own race, in the greed to hold on to all the land, by preventing subdivision and fragmentation by barring the marriage of their younger sons and daughters. Until 1933, only the eldest Namboodiri son was allowed to marry within the Namboodiri caste in the traditional Rig Veda ritual style called Veli Othu.. If any younger brother marries a Namboodiri woman he is excommunicated. So the Nair clan encouraged the Namboodiris to fornicate with their sisters and daughters. And some of the pretty Nair women would have about two dozen Namboodiri men servicing her regularly. Apparently it was a great honour to be screwed by so many holy dongs. They were so servile that they thought Namboodiri blood would purify their race.

Today they realize that a Namboodiri man or woman is an inferior race due to inbreeding. No Namboodiri man can dream of winning any national athletic event, or pass an IIT entrance exam for cream subjects, or win a strength contest or even a good looker contest. Most are slothful and not firm limbed. No Namboodiri woman can ever dream of winning a beauty contest. Yes they could get up in the morning at 4 AM and study hard and score well in an academic exam, but when IQ is required, like for an IIT entrance exam, they come a cropper every time So the younger brothers had no choice but to have SAMBANDHAM ( illicit liaison ) with a Nair woman or a low caste woman. No Vedic system will ever allow this union. This was purely a Namboodiri creation to have free sex with attractive women which their race did not have, and they were all so happy, for most Namboodiri woman look insipid. She was not allowed to comb her hair or put a bindi (pottu). Namboodiri women are called Antharjanams ( the ones who live indoors ). They led a strange secluded life. If at all she has to go out to some temple, or to visit a relative, she has to cover her face with a palm leaf umbrella, and be accompanied by a Nair maid walking in front, keeping a hawks eye for infidelity or if this frustrated woman is doing “mental copulation” with someone on the way.

 The Namboodiri pattern was strangely to keep their own women virgins. Even if the eldest Namboodiri son marries a Nambodiri woman he can keep up to 5 wives, and he can also go for “sambandham” liaisons. The antharjamam was allowed only praying, a bath and cooking in the kitchen. Antharjanams could not wear gold jewellery, but they were allowed silver and brass. Widows cannot remarry and she is ignored and becomes an inanimate object of contempt . Even married Antharjanams die without enjoying the meaning of good sex or motherhood, for her Namboodiri husband will be having many illicit liaisons with whom familiarity has not yet bred contempt. Many young Namboodiri girls were married off to old Namboodiri men who could not even have sex, therefore many of them still remained spinsters and virgins at the time of death. Their lives were really sad. She had to eat in the same banana leaf used by her husband. Some antharjanam could not get married due to the dowry expenses involved. Finally, they land up being the fifth wife of some Namboodiri. A Namboodiri woman can never marry a Nair man or have sex with him. If a married Namboodiri female has sex with another Namboodiri or a Nair she is excommunicated after a most elaborate 6 stage trial termed smarthavicharam. The first stage is daasi vicharam (the trial of the maidservant ) in which a prima facie report is taken from the maid of the suspected Antharjanam’s sexual misdeeds or lack of mental chastity. Personal affections are placed on the back burner.

If there is prima facie evidence (sangayum thurumbum), the Antharjanam is isolated, anchampurayilackal (isolating the accused in a special cell) – the second stage. After the woman is isolated, the head of the family informs the ruler about the trial, and the king sends four lawyers, together with a smarthan (the judge) and Brahmin representative of the king. The lawyers, in consultation with the representatives of the king, prepare the questions. The third stage involves questioning by the smarthan regarding the status of the accused as a Antharjanam. The smarthan questions her sitting outside of her cell without seeing her. The questioning will continue for several sessions – sometimes for several days – until the accused accepts the allegations and becomes a Saathanam or is proved innocent. The accused woman is subjected to physical torture during this time. A popular method was to pack the guilty woman in a pullupaya mat, like a dead body, and roll it from the housetop. Other women were also forced to carry out torture to make the accused confess her guilt. Rats, snakes and scorpions were driven into the isolation cell of the Saathanam. It must be remembered that those close blood relatives living under the same roof until the woman became an accused undertook such inhuman types of torture. The literal meaning of Saathanam is an inanimate object. A Saathanam loses her status as an Antharjanam, and the smarthan questions the Saathanam face to face to get the names of the jaarans (the men involved). It was not enough that the Saathanam names the Jaarans, but she had to prove it, specifying somebody mark in the private parts of the man thus named. The trial would continue until the smarthans are convinced there are no more Jaarans. The king would be informed of the men involved in the offence. If the accused men denied the accusation, they were subjected to sathiyapariksha (a test of truth) at a Suchidran temple to prove their innocence. The fourth stage is sorupamchollal: if the accused men are found innocent through the test, they are declared innocent. The fifth stage is dehavichedam in which the Saadhanam, as well as the involved guilty men, are ceremoniously excommunicated. In the sixth stage, sudhabhojanam (pure meal), there is a sharing of a meal among the accused and the trial team once the accused is proved innocent. The last reported smarthavicharam took place in 1918, but the most famous was the samarthvicharam of Kuriyedath Dhatri.

This attractive woman had sexually entertained 65 Jaarans, and she remembered the body marks of them all, including the sizes of their dongs, to substantiate her “naming” the men. It is said that the Smarthans stopped questioning her when it was almost clear that the 65th Jaaran to be named as the king himself, and the situation became too hot to handle. An Antharjanam who has sex with a low caste man is made an outcast and driven away from the mana or Illam. She is deprived of her breast cloth and Marakuda veil or palm umbrella. She is transferred to an isolation cell called Achampura or Pacholapura. Her funeral rites are conducted in the Vedic manner, and now she is a saadhanam or inanimate object. Then she will roam around as a beggar or marry some low caste man or even be sold as a slave to Muslims ( mulappedi, mannapedi ) . Once the Palakkad Namboodiris prevented their King from marrying an attractive low caste girl he was in love with. They threatened that they would stop doing pujas in the temples, and then all hell would break loose due to god’s wrath. Immediately the opportunistic Tamil Brahmins held secret negotiations with the king and told him that they would solemnize his marriage. Their condition was that all Namboodiris ( who looked down on Tamil Brahmins ) must be banished from Palakkad. So this is what the desperate king did. He just drove away all the Namboodiris to Payyanur, and today in Palghat, Tamil Brahmins are everywhere in Agraharams, you find only 21st-century Namboodiris there. By Sambandham a Nair woman could initiate, consent to or terminate a sexual relationship.

A Namboodiri would come after dark, screw his Nair woman, in full knowledge of her father, brothers or husband and leave after taking a ritual bath in the morning, to wash off pollution. Nair girls would be dressed in colourful clothes, wearing gold jewellery, anointed with perfumes. The children of Sambandham were legitimate but without rights to succession, inheritance and property. This son could not eat or bathe with his father, as they were still untouchables. This small boy cannot even visit his father for financial help in the Mana or Illam. So though the Namboodiris held on to their land, their population came down drastically. Even the sight of a low caste man-made the Namboodiri polluted, and he had to ritually purify himself by taking a bath. Till he takes a bath he won’t eat. But if the same low caste man was converted to a Christian of a Muslim yesterday—then it was OK Kerala does not have a cluster or houses in a village-like elsewhere in India. Here the houses are widely separated, due to the Namboodiri Jenmi holding land and leasing it out for rent in the form of money and produce. With the new land act, Namboodiris lost all their lands, as a ceiling was created that you can’t hold too much land over a limit. It is now against the law to lease land. The temples under the Namoodiris lost their abundant income. A few years ago US president Bill Clinton came to Indian Parliament and said: “ Why can’t the rest of India be like Kerala?” For the social indicators or Kerala are better than that of Scandinavian countries.

Well, Bill, you must read this post. There is no way a Namboodiri is going to own up to all the shocking truths written above. Most of the attractive Nair girls in Sambandham to frail repulsively ugly old Namboodiris were just about 13 years old, immediately after their first menses. It was institutionalized rape out here, by subverting the holy Vedas. Worse than what was happening in the Catholic church and it went on for centuries. He found that the 13-year-old attractive Nair girls families felt privileged to be mauled by a lecherous old ugly drooling Namboodiri with 5 wives, who could not even get his manhood up erect. Today the same Nair and Namoodiri cry foul over Mullahs subverting Islam from a mosque. At least Mullahs are not sexual perverts.

Ibn Batuta had given detailed accounts of the girls exposing their breasts in public in Kerala. When he has anointed the mullah at the new mosque in the Maldives, by Calicut King Zamorin, Ibn Batuta tried to make the young Muslim women cover up their breasts and wear purdah, and he fell into heavy opposition, for as per local custom this ” bouncing bare breasts in public ” was just normal culture. He was then told by Zamorin to FO el pronto, and not to create disharmony–and then he left for Sri Lanka. If people are crying out about Tamil Brahmins just read this. The Tamil Brahmins were not perverts and create institutionalised rape and large scale pillaging or land and wealth. In fact, most of them were very poor, powerless and eked out a living as temple priests, astrologers, marriage brokers and Tamil teachers. Many depended on the benevolence of the local non-Brahmin Zamindar for a living. The Tamil movies Arangetram was the norm living in poverty wondering where the next meal will come.

About editor 3085 Articles
Writer and Journalist living in Canada since 1987. Tamil activist.

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