“When we ruled the country between 2006 and 2014,” that is a bold but false claim.

“When we ruled the country between 2006 and 2014,” that is a bold but false claim.

I have a few questions for you give honest answers.-

(1) During your tenure, 25 journalists disappeared/killed and out of that 22 were Tamils. No one was arrested and there was no investigation.

(2) Who killed Lasantha on 8 January 2009? Why you did not apprehend the killers? The investigation points the finger at Gotabhaya Rajapaksa andArmy intelligence personnel!

(3) Who abducted/killed  Prageeth Ekneligoda who disappeared on 24 January 2010? All are pointing the finger at Gotabhaya Rajapaksa former Defence Secretary?

(4)  How do you justify the gift of a car worth  Rs.8.2 mn from bankrupt Mihin Lanka to Abeygunawardena your royal astrologer?  Lanka Orix Leasing Company (LOLC)  procured 26 cars for the use of  SriLankan Airlines and Mihin Lanka. A loan to the tune of Rs. 82 million was obtained by LOLC from Seylan Bank to purchase the cars. One of the cars was gifted to your royal astrologer Abeygunawardene.  Abeygunawardena received his Nissan within weeks after the establishment of Mihin Lanka in 2007. Can you tell the public why a private individual was gifted a car belonging to the state and to what happened to the remaining 25 cars? (http://www.island.lk/index.php?page_cat=article-details&page=article-details&code_title=197379)

(5) What about the huge losses incurred by the Mihin Airways run by your brother-in-law? He played ducks and drakes with funds provided by the Treasury. (http://www.island.lk/index.php?page_cat=article-details&page=article-details&code_title=197379)

(6) What about all the white elephants you built in Hambantota district?

    (a) Magampura Mahinda Rajapaksa PPort costings175 billion ($1.19 billion) on the project. It has lost Rs18.8 billion ($147 million) a year according to Economy Next. Finance Ministry documents show cumulative losses of Rs37.2 billion ($253 million).

    (b) Magam Ruhunupura International Conference Hall (MRICH) was constructed by the Urban Development Authority and the Korean International Corporation at a cost of 15.3 million US dollars.  UDA spent 17 million rupees. ts.   An annual loss by the UDA is more than 200 million rupees.

    (c)  Mahinda Rajapaksa National Tele Cinema Park stands on 235 acres in Ranminitenna in Hambantota. Total cost  Rs. 2 billion. Since its opening in March 2010, there has been little or no shooting of films at this centre.

    (d) Mahinda Rajapaksa International Cricket Stadium in Suriyawewa built at a cost of Rs. 700 million was opened in 2011 for the World Cup matches. Only five matches including the two World Cup matches have thus far been played on this ground. It boasts a 32,000 seating capacity and has been built on 47 acres. Since the conclusion of the World Cup matches the stadium sits desolate.

(7) Can you explain why you defaulted the following payments during your tenure? These figures were provided by the Media Ministry.

    Rupavahini Corporation – Rs. 206.1 million
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation – Rs. 51.7 million
Associated Newspapers Ceylon Limited – Rs. 124.9 million
ITN – Rs. 89.2 million
Wasantham TV – Rs. 4 million
Wasantham Radio – Rs. 11 million
Lakhanda radio – Rs. 6 million
State Printing Corporation – Rs. 592.6 million. Total – 1088.5 million.


There are some myths and half-myths propagated by Sinhala chauvinists.

(1) Tamils are invaders and are of recent arrivals.

Mahavamsa mentions that to the north of Ganga (Mahaweli) are peopled by Tamils. Duttu Gemunu who is a Naga prince took 6 months to defeat Tamil chieftains ruling towns and cities from Mahiyankana to Anuradhapura.

(2) The British favoured the Tamils in employment.

The fact is Tamils took up to the study of English because of several colleges established in Jaffna by Christian missionaries.

(3) The Tamils are a minority

The fact of the matter is several thousands of Tamil people brought. into Ceylon during Dutch as cinnamon peelers later morphed into as Sinhalese, Example the Karava, Salagama, Durawa and many other subcastes were Tamils. The Sinhalese Catholics of Negombo were Tamil parathavar brought from TN and settled down to secure the safety of Portuguese forces.

(4) Prabhakaran is a fascist

On the contrary, he is a patriot and freedom fighter, He, not Sinhalese army, who fought the IPKF. If he was, in fact, fascist Sinhalese zealots should explain why President Premadasa gave planeloads of weapons? Why Rajapaksa gave Rs.500 million to Prabhakaran in 2005 as a bribe to boycott the elections. Why appoint the Special LTTE commander in the east a State Minister and vice-President of SLFP. He is also accused of killing 500 million who surrendered to the LTTE.


About editor 3048 Articles
Writer and Journalist living in Canada since 1987. Tamil activist.

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