Puthukudiyiruppu Roman Catholic Vidyalayam New Building – Built By Assist RR

Puthukudiyiruppu Roman Catholic Vidyalayam New Building – Built By Assist RR

Dear friend,

I am sure you are aware of UK Solihull Junior School’s Head Master, Mr Mark Penney and his family’s visit to Sri Lanka in August 2016 and followed by their pledge to part fund construction of a building to PTK RCTMS. During their charity week in October 2016, Solihull Junior School raised £10908 towards the construction of the building to PTK school. Please read the original news on the need and Solihull School’s fund raising by clicking the link below:


As the cost of the 100′ long building was £23k, we needed more funds. A gentleman from Sutton, UK, Mr K Sivashankar, originally from Nelliyady, Karaveddy, donated £4000, plus £1000 of gift aid of his donation, in memory of his mother, late Mrs Puvaneswary Kanapathipillai from his native village. Assist RR, UK, funded the rest needed to complete the construction of this building.Puthukudieruppuschool2The building was ceremonially declared open on 14 June 2017 by Mr Premananthan, additional Provincial Director of Education of the NPC. Until the last minute, both Mr Premananthan and I did’t realise that we were classmates at Hartley College. I was also pleased to note that Fr James Pathinathan, who was my mentor when I was a volunteer at the Madurai Tamil Information Centre during the late 1980s, also joined us at the opening ceremony and blessed our work.

The school community was very happy that they do not need to conduct lessons under unsafe temporary shelters covered with tarpaulins and thanked all the donors, who made their dream a reality. We would like to express our gratitude to Solihull Junior School, Mr Sivashankar and the UK Tamil Diaspora for providing the funds needed to provide a safe and acceptable environment for learning to the children of Puthukudiyiruppu. I attach some photos showing the previous shelter and the new building.Puthukudieruppuschool1 Puthukudieruppuschool3 Puthukudieruppuschool4 Puthukudieruppuschool5

Please watch a half a minute youtube clip of the opening ceremony below:


Puthukudiyiruppu Roman Catholic Vidyalayam New Building – Built By Assist RR


Best regards,



Dr Velautham Sarveswaran

Assist Resettlement & Renaissance



AssistRR – Working towards enhancing the lives of innocent …


About editor 3230 Articles
Writer and Journalist living in Canada since 1987. Tamil activist.

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